주요 경력
- Carnegie Mellon Univ. 박사후 연구원
- Michigan State Univ. 박사후 연구원
- 공군사관학교 수학과 교수사관 (병역)
주요 논문
- K Yun, Estimates for electric fields blown up between closely adjacent conductors with arbitrary shape, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 67 (3), 714-730, 2007 ( 105 citations, top 25.15% in Appl Math)
- K Yun, Optimal bound on high stresses occurring between stiff fibers with arbitrary shaped cross-sections, Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 350 (1), 306-312, 2009 ( 83 citations, top 11.57% in Math)
- D Kinderlehrer, K Yun, Microstructural evolution in 3D: An existence result, submitted, 2022
- K Yun, An optimal estimate for electric fields on the shortest line segment between two spherical insulators in three dimensions, Journal of Differential Equations 261 (1), 148-188, 2016 ( 46 citations, top 4.02% in Math)
- K Yun, The reflection of solutions of Helmholtz equation and an application, Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 16 (3), 427-436, 2001 ( 16 citations)
- H Ammari, G Ciraolo, H Kang, H Lee, K Yun, Spectral analysis of the Neumann–Poincaré operator and characterization of the stress concentration in anti-plane elasticity, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 208, 275-304, 2013 ( 106 citations, top 16.18% in Mechanics)
- H Kang, M Lim, K Yun, Asymptotics and computation of the solution to the conductivity equation in the presence of adjacent inclusions with extreme conductivities, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 99 (2), 234-249, 2013 ( 87 citations, top 7.78% in Math)
- G Bao, K Yun, Z Zhou, Stability of the scattering from a large electromagnetic cavity in two dimensions, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 44 (1), 383-404, 2012 ( 41 citations, top 11.94% in Appl Math)
- G Bao, K Yun, Stability for the electromagnetic scattering from large cavities, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 220, 1003-1044, 2016( 20 citations, top 5.69% in Appl. Math)
- H Kang, M Lim, K Yun, Characterization of the electric field concentration between two adjacent spherical perfect conductors, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 74 (1), 125-146, 2014 ( 70 citations, top 17.32% in Appl Math)
- H Kang, H Lee, K Yun, Optimal estimates and asymptotics for the stress concentration between closely located stiff inclusions, Mathematische Annalen 363 (3-4), 1281-1306, 2015 ( 58 citations, top 7.85% in Math)
- M Lim, K Yun, Blow-up of electric fields between closely spaced spherical perfect conductors, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 34 (10), 1287-1315, 2009 ( 87 citations, top 11.96% in Math)
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